A Note on Dream Stealers

Not too long ago, someone was trying to impress upon me that I didn't understand the real world. They knew that I’d held a job for only a few months as a Starbucks barista and grant writer, and had years of unpaid work as an LGBTQ activist. So, according to them, I didn’t know what the real working world was like. Ok, maybe that's true. However, in expressing this to me, they continued on to say that all I had accomplished (my global LGBTQ activism, speaking engagements, and, at the time, my newly inked-to-be-published book) was all “white people trauma porn.” 

May 13 Tarot Pull - 7 of Inspiration (or Wands)

May 13 Tarot Pull

7 of Inspiration from The Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne. Or 7 of Wands from the traditional tarot.

I was shocked, hurt, devastated, and honestly knocked down a rung or two on the confidence ladder. But I was not surprised. They’d previously dismissed my activism work, and my book even when it was still in its proposal phase. I had ignored those dismissive remarks, yet over time they eroded my personal convictions and confidence until I was no longer sure I had something of value to offer anyone. I began to think my book which waited six years for a publisher, my life story, seemed unnecessary and pointless, that I didn't have anything useful to share. 

Thankfully, this comment about “white people trauma porn” came after I signed a contract with my publisher, so there was no going back. Moreover, I had other people around me who helped to crowd out those hurtful words by reminding me that I did have something of value to offer to the world. That even if my book wasn't a great success there was still great worth in the mere essence of my being.

I share this story with you because all of us have dream stealers in our lives. I can't and won't tell you how to engage your dream stealer but I will encourage you to build a fort around you with people who love and support you. People who will cheer you on, and call you on your bullshit, but not tear you down - your dreams life support system. 

The real world can be a rough place and we all need spaces that offer soft landings. 

If you have dream stealers in your life, please know that you are important, and what you do impacts lives you don't even know about so continue to be the wonderful light that you are

Angeline Jackson

Angeline Jackson is an author, life coach, inspirational speaker, LGBTQ expert witness, seminarian (Christianson Family Scholar at Meadville Lombard Theological School), and intern Minister at Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church.


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