Course -

22 Lessons

If you feel like you haven't reached your full potential this year, you may be right!

But you don't have to feel defeated.

These 8 steps to a better you will have you ending 2024 knowing you put the work in to become better and have people wondering what you did to create such transformation.

Accept the challenge, put each step into action and finish 2024 in confidence.


Every step has an overview, the lesson, and an action item. Providing with all you need to begin your transformation.

  • 8 Ways to Transform Your Life

    We often live under the misconception that we need to find ourselves. And because of the things we've experienced, we need to find ourselves. But often, we need to push ourselves to the edges of our comfort zone and then push some more to experience a breakthrough.

    Over the next eight weeks, we will explore eight practices you can integrate to change your life dramatically.

  • A day worth living should be recorded. Once you start recording your life, you'll find that your life improves, even if only so that you have something more interesting to write about.

  • It's hard to overemphasize the power of meditation. Meditation has many documented benefits beyond improving your ability to focus.

  • Without goals, your life is primarily spent surviving and aimlessly trying to entertain yourself. Without goals, you'll reach the end of your life and wonder what happened.

  • Gratitude is great for your perspective and mood. We all have things we can choose to be grateful for.

  • You'll have better and more productive days if you plan them in advance. There's a big difference in your results if you plan out your day versus just winging it.

  • Maybe you messed up in school, or maybe you let down a friend; there's no changing the past, so the only solution is to forgive yourself

  • It doesn't have to be a big habit. You can start small.

  • Most of the challenges in our lives result from trying to avoid discomfort.

  • Vow to make a small improvement each week and notice how much you're able to accomplish in a year.



What is your refund policy?

This is a digital service, which means that as soon as it is paid for, the content becomes accessible. For this reason, refunds are not offered.

I'm not religious. Are you including your religion?

I am not. Well, not directly. However, my spiritual values do show up in the course. However, I do not push my religion, and it is not mentioned in the course.

I haven't looked at the materials. Can I cancel my payment?

No. Please see a more detailed response to the question about the refund policy.

How long will it take to complete?

This course can be completed in 8 days. But that wouldn’t allow you to implement anything! Ideally, you’d give each chapter at least 1 week of practice.

Where are your terms?

There are two terms on this website. The first are terms governing the general website and is available here. The second are terms specific to the purchase of courses or coaching offerings and can be found here.

Meet the Instructor

Rev. Angeline C. Jackson

C.L.C., M.B.A., M.Div

I am an LGBTQ human rights activist, HIV/AIDS educator, Unitarian Universalist Minister, life coach, and expert witness.

I dream of a world where each person knows their inherent worth, dignity, and humanity and supports the development of communities of love striving toward justice, equity, and compassion.

As a Warrior-Healer I:

  • Help others to form the conditions in their life in order for life to create itself

  • Address the inner world while being aware of the gaze and pressures of the outer world 

  • Co-create and facilitate (communal) spaces in which the norms and values of the dominant do not dictate one’s inner life

  • Facilitate a reconnection with the hidden wholeness of who we are in order to return to a reclaiming of self

As a Life Coach I:

  • Use techniques from emotional-CPR, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), my life coach training, and my ministerial training.

As a Curiosity Companion I:

  • Explore questions with you

  • Experiment with the answers

  • Analyze situations

I’m Ready!

I’ve got all the information I need! I’m ready to be one of the first 44 people to get this program!