A House Divided

Left brain / RIght brain. Image by Venita Oberholster from Pixabay

I was trained as a life coach many years ago. Why I never started a business as a coach has many different answers- doubting myself, feeling hindered by my age (I was 25 at the time), questioning my value, feelings of being an imposter, and the nattering of naysayers. All of those are true and could be told in more detail, but there was one more obstacle. 

I hardly shared in my personal social media spaces anything about my coaching. I was deadly afraid to share that I had trained as a coach, but I was even more afraid (is that possible?) to share that I was offering coaching services to anyone who might have wanted or needed it. I was worried about what people would think and how I would be judged or mocked. I scared myself into inaction. And I justified the separation of worlds into my personal (albeit superficially non-coaching world) and my professional world, which included my coaching and all other business-related things. 

But a “house divided against itself will not stand” (Matthew 12: 25) and in my case, being divided against myself meant that I was stuck.

By refusing to share my coaching activities on my personal pages, I hindered myself, and likely became an obstacle to someone who may have wanted such a service and could have benefited from it. Someone out there needed to hear what I had to say, and I was the only person they could hear it from. I don’t mean to be full of myself, so put another way, while there are many coaches and many people offering coaching services, no matter how similar they seem, each person ultimately offers something unique because they are unique.

Rebuilding. Image by Harry Strauss from Pixabay

My greatest desire is to help folks live into the fullness of who they are using my life experience, education, and professional training. So here I am, putting my house together again.

My coaching services (spiritual coaching, one-on-one coaching, group programs, and self-study courses) are specifically structured and developed for lesbian, bisexual, and gay folks. 

For free training, Q&A, and a community of LGB people exploring personal development join the group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/lgbpersonaldevelopment

More information and pricing details about the offerings can be found on my Life Coach page, here.

Angeline Jackson

Angeline Jackson is an author, life coach, inspirational speaker, LGBTQ expert witness, seminarian (Christianson Family Scholar at Meadville Lombard Theological School), and intern Minister at Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church.


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