I am starting over. Welcome, again.

Image by

R. E. Beck



Hi, I'm Angeline and welcome to my page. As I was changing the information on this page, I noticed that I had created it in 2016, and I realized just how much life I have experienced over these past four years. 

I lost an uncle to cancer suddenly, got engaged and married, completed an MBA, got accepted to divinity school, and became thirty, among other things. 

I realized that while my experiences impacted my life, they didn't change the core of my life's mission, which was always to help others, but they did help me to define more specifically how I wanted to change people's lives. When I first started this page I struggled with why would anyone want to follow my thoughts or listen to what I had to say, I was merely 26, what did I have to offer to anyone that would have been impactful. I would replay in my mind what President Obama said about me and think, convince myself, that he didn't know me, his speechwriter just did an excellent job of writing my story because surely there were others more deserving, more accomplished than me who should have been acknowledged by him. It took me until this year to believe what he said five years ago, to think that my life was an example of the power of one person. 

Just because I believe it doesn't mean I don't still struggle with it and many other things daily. But I realized that I could do so much more for others by trying my hardest to push past my comfort zone. 

Imposter syndrome is a resident in my daily life. Each time I have considered doing something again with this page, it (imposter syndrome) has questioned my authority to do so, my ability to do so, and has pointed out my inconsistencies. It has paralyzed me because whatever it is I'm trying to do isn't yet perfect. While this is still fully present, I'm pushing myself to try again. I'm working through my self-designed imposter syndrome eradicator. It's not a perfect remedy for me, there are steps I have to repeat, but I'm at this point because of it. 

I decided to take some steps to address my inconsistencies and to one-up the imposter syndrome. I'm using technology to my advantage, asking for help (releasing the superhero aspect) to keep me on track, and reminding myself its ok to start again, and again, and again - as long as it takes, the point is not to give up!

Welcome to my journey, and welcome to my page. Welcome to this place of growth and togetherness. I hope that as this page grows and as new content is shared, you will benefit from it, and I look forward to hearing from you and helping and growing from our dialog.

Angeline Jackson

Angeline Jackson is an author, life coach, inspirational speaker, LGBTQ expert witness, seminarian (Christianson Family Scholar at Meadville Lombard Theological School), and intern Minister at Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church.


Master of Divinity Year 1 Reflection